Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Different of Cappuccino, Café Late, and Flat White

Although all three looked similar, but these drinks are not at all alike.

Sunday 21 August 2016

The Processing of Coffee Beans in Indonesia

A cup of coffee is produced through a very long process. Starting from cultivation techniques, post-harvest processing up to the final presentation

Saturday 13 August 2016


Regardless of the type and manner make, important favors at a gulp. Because the coffee, it all depends on the audience.

Friday 12 August 2016

Gayo Coffee

Gayo is one commodity that comes from Gayo Highlands. Coffee plantations have been developed since 1908, thrives in Bener Meriah, Aceh Tengah and Gayo Lues.

Thursday 11 August 2016

15 Benefit of Green Bean Coffee

Green coffee beans are beans that are not roasted or toasted, which comes from a plant Coffea Arabica. Penggongsengan can eliminate the natural antioxidants in the beans, thereby making it not at all beneficial to our health. But if the green beans are not through the same procedure, then it could be considered to be very beneficial for our overall health. Read more below to find out completely

Monday 8 August 2016

Drinks That You Should Try When in Cafe

Coffee is the most delicious drink in warm or cold. For those who like to drink coffee, certainly warm cup of coffee or a glass of iced coffee will never be missed every day. Is Toppers one coffee lover? If you are sleepy in the office, the most requested drink to treat sleepiness is a coffee. Coffee does have many benefits including preventing depression, sharpen memory, and enhance the body's metabolism so that drinking one cup of coffee per day is recommended to obtain benefits for the body.

Thursday 4 August 2016

How to make coffee Aceh

 Coffee is a favorite beverage which became one of the traditions in Indonesia. This is confirmed by the presence of a coffee culture in some areas, one area that became one of paradise coffee lovers of Aceh. In Aceh there is even a saying that no day without copying, thus Aceh got a nickname of 1000 coffee shop. Besides being known by the culture of drinking coffee. Aceh itself has featured coffee is coffee Aceh, this coffee generally has a distinctive taste and smell more fragrant exactly as Toraja Arabica coffee. Aceh coffee is usually served in a way filtered by the filter length or so-called pull copies. Besides considered more delicious when drunk, drag Aceh coffee is believed to be more fragrant when brewed that way. But for those of you who live outside the region of Aceh, you try to make it his own coffee at home. To know the steps, you can see how to make coffee Aceh following.