Thursday, 4 August 2016

How to make coffee Aceh

 Coffee is a favorite beverage which became one of the traditions in Indonesia. This is confirmed by the presence of a coffee culture in some areas, one area that became one of paradise coffee lovers of Aceh. In Aceh there is even a saying that no day without copying, thus Aceh got a nickname of 1000 coffee shop. Besides being known by the culture of drinking coffee. Aceh itself has featured coffee is coffee Aceh, this coffee generally has a distinctive taste and smell more fragrant exactly as Toraja Arabica coffee. Aceh coffee is usually served in a way filtered by the filter length or so-called pull copies. Besides considered more delicious when drunk, drag Aceh coffee is believed to be more fragrant when brewed that way. But for those of you who live outside the region of Aceh, you try to make it his own coffee at home. To know the steps, you can see how to make coffee Aceh following.

How to make coffee Aceh begins with selecting the coffee powder is nice and smooth. Aceh smooth coffee powder is useful for reducing the amount of sediment and dregs floating in the cup when you brew coffee. Once you have obtained the coffee powder, you can directly prepare water with a temperature in the range of 80 to 95 degrees Celsius. This water should not be too hot, you could keep 2 to 3 minutes of boiled water to reduce its temperature and reducing impurities that exist in hot water earlier. After waiting for about 2 to 3 minutes, you can directly poured coffee Aceh with lower ascending kettle of water until fragrant smell appears.

How to make coffee Aceh
How to lower the ascending hot water kettle is how to make coffee Aceh typical. After approximately a glass or cup is full, you can directly add sugar or rock sugar to sweetener. Stir until the coffee froth or foam appears, foam or frothed coffee is also a characteristic of the people of Aceh in drinking coffee. But for those of you who do not understand will make the Acehnese coffee is good and true, do not stop trying. You continue to do learn constantly to get a perfect result. Good luck and hopefully succeed!

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