Why Luwak coffee taste good ... what no one can answer (a question again, already in said we find the answers) ok..ok yaa my responsibility. Kopi Luwak tasty because it is processed through the stomach of animals ferret, here's the Luwak / ferret has
pavorit food fruits one of its fruits is the fruit of the coffee kopi.Buah selected to be eaten by these animals is the fruit of the coffee was really red and more fragrant, though the coffee fruit in one bokahan (one Kokol / language Gayo) is the same as humans when eating fruits eg grapes that have definitely the sweetest first and then the less sweet manispun not exhausted, it is human. Luwak coffee is similarly choose the most stable fruit ripe fruit and flavor for coffee provided huge numbers of trees tens or even hundreds of coffee trees so it is unlikely he chose the tamarind or the disabled may not even that smells not good. that's why kopi luwak taste good. want to try to come and sample wrote to Asa Coffee shop cafe.
The above explanation is the election process by the Luwak coffee / weasel, and moreover that cause bad taste of civet coffee. After civet pick cherries and sweet and perfectly ripe fruit and swallowed into the stomach. Well in the ferret stomach is the process of changing taste of good coffee at the start. Why is that because of the stomach mongoose / ferret just store (fermentation) to be taken mucus / pulp by intestinal mongoose for food because mengadung sweet / glucose and others in a very, very fitting with tempratur particular and specific time is to create a sense of civet coffee delicious , oya .. there is one more factor that is in the stomach of the civet / ferrets, there are also the remains of food such as fruits other than coffee and leftovers from dinner the other mongoose-like animal flesh meat or starch eating fruit in absorbed so Luwak coffee becomes for good.
The next question is why until it feels it can enter into the coffee beans and coffee luwak tasty, well here it is .. The coffee that has a property called by hygroscopic means to absorb and release water, when the beans are inside the stomach of the civet coffee beans absorb all aroma (the aroma of sweet fruit) that exist in the gut so that the civet coffee civet original was only known to us from rich aroma .. ie aroma of the stomach must be the same luwak civet coffee aroma premises.
This is what you need to know if you want to buy coffee mongoose which were genuine and which are false. Then where civet coffee farm and where the wild civet coffee because clearly both the civet coffee has characteristics (do not use "T") respectively.
I asked him once why say Wild Luwak coffee.? Is that wild coffee ..? the answer is not, which is a wild ferret or luwaknya. Why appears there is Kopi Luwak Wild and Kopi Luwak Livestock, because the civet coffee on the market comes from civet coffee taken from the wild (wild) and civet coffee is taken from captive-bred civet and kept in cages and fed the coffee fruit cery then produce grain coffee civet droppings.
Wild civet coffee is more desirable than the zoological (environment) and in terms of taste is generated.
1. From the environmental side
That pencintan animals and environmentalists do not like civet coffee is marketed that comes from animals cared for during this time the animal life in the wild, due to the need of civet coffee that came the idea for menangkarkannya (kept in a cage), partly worry if animals the preserved not well maintained so that the animals become sengsara.Sebagian badger does not matter because he is raising with full of affection, well .. it depends who vote ok.
2. Of Taste
If from wild civet coffee taste certainly have more palatable flavors that can be outside, because Kopi Luwak is obtained from animals badger wild / feral ferret that these animals eat in the wild forest free blantara and will certainly enrich the nutrient obtained and digested along with coffee in the dining stomach.. this is what makes the wild civet coffee is tasty and more expensive. Can we suppose that if chicken and broilers are farmed at present on the food menu would be more people chose the chicken which is managed in the village, but people are already long in the city or the Caucasians mukin dislike for fear slovenly .I do not know so why discuss chicken
In the Highlands Gayo Kopi Luwak Livestock Already Extinct
Told Coffee Livestock for coffee dioleh those derived from animal rearing mongoose farmed, ferret or mongoose is maintained in cages separately and diberimakan accordance with the requirements according to the recognition of breeders civet once every week minimal given the chicken meat in order to maintain the health of mongoose that and Kopi Luwak dihasilkanpun still good quality, but everyday Luwak mentioned suguhi banana, guava, jackfruit and fruits other gardens, for the provision of coffee beans cherry (which still crusted) was given at night, so the The next morning can be harvested.
Animals mongoose in the tangkarkan if you've trained it will separate the specialty coffee beans kotoranya in one place, so it does not mingle with other waste, but that has not "experienced" in tangkar still can not separate the manure with coffee beans from the droppings. How could yaaa Luwak feces specifically separates the seeds ..? strange yaa .. that excess animal called civet he behave clean and throw feces at one particular place and it is the nature of civet, a new exception, perhaps because of nervousness and fear so it does not care about cleanliness for some time only desired to be free as usual ,
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